Saturday, March 24, 2007

Stark reality

So the writing is on the wall ....barring a miracle, Indian cricket team is out of the world cup ...Yes! we can't even make the cut into the super 8s ...Bangladesh cAn and they wiLL..
I know it's easier said than done and it is the men who actually represent 'India' on the field face the real heat, but then that's what they are paid for ...and so are the players from other teams ...
Everybody knows what's the most popular sport in India:
Not hockey, ...Not soccer, ...Not tennis ....definitely not F1.....
Yet all we, the passionate fans, get out of it is pLain disappointment ...year after year ...tournament after tournament....

For some reason still happens to be in my list of favorite webpages ...if the s.o.a doesnt improve I will soon turn to and